Raff Club NFT Pass
Our platform has it's own NFT collection of 1500 NFTs, which assigns to it's holders the rights to specific services/features of our service.
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Our platform has it's own NFT collection of 1500 NFTs, which assigns to it's holders the rights to specific services/features of our service.
Last updated
What do Raff Club NFT Pass holders receive?
Participation in the Holders Raff Club Airdrop: 25% of the platform's revenue goes into the pool for this event. Every NFT on the wallet (that isn't up for sale) gets a guaranteed win.
See a list of all raffles on the platform.
Accelerated publication on the NFT calendar, separate moderation queue for publishing content, highest chance of placement on the platform.
Participation in special NFT Launchpad & Jetton Launchpad rounds.
+1 point for each NFT in your wallet when participating in the raffles, giving you more chances to win.
Staking on tonraffles.app (earn $RAFF and other jettons).
Staking in special holding pools (more APR and unique opportunities).
Access to other unique ecosystem features.
Frequency of holders Raff Club Airdrop
Holders Raff Club Airdrop is held quarterly. In the early stages of project development it is possible to hold it if the pool is accumulated.
Raff Club NFT Pass holders may also participate in DAO voting thanks to the staking and utilitarian token $RAFF.
Examples of questions that can be presented for debate:
Which side of the project should be prioritized for development?
How many RAFF tokens should be released on the blockchain?
What target market should be explored for the project?
Should NFT holders have access to special resources such as discounts, bonus promotions, various investment programs?
What advanced NFT or Jetton features/capabilities should be developed?